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Fantastic AI, Fantastic World

DS | Data Science/RecSys | Recommendation System

[RecSys] 한 눈에 보기 정리 - 1

_껀이_ 2022. 10. 20. 19:47

Recommender System

  1. 개요
    1. 사용 이유
    2. 문제 정의
    3. 평가 지표
      1. Offline Test
      2. Online Test
  2. Simple Aggregate
    1. Popularity
    2. Rating
  3. 연관분석 : Association Analysis / Association Rule Mining
  4. 컨텐츠 기반 필터링 : Content-based Filtering / Content-based Recommendation
    1. TF-IDF : Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency
  5. 협업 필터링 : Collaborative Filtering
    1. NBCF : Neighborhood-Based Collaborative Filtering - Memory-Based CF
      1. UBCF : User-Based Collaborative Filtering
      2. IBCF : Item-Based Collaborative Filtering
      3. Rating Prediction
        1. UBCF - Absolute/Relative Rating
        2. IBCF - Absolute/Relative Rating
        3. Top-N Recommendation
    2. MBCF : Model-Based Collaborative Filtering 
      1. Non-Parametic : kNN, SVD
      2. MF : Matrix Factorization
      3. Implicit Feedback VS Explicit Feedback
        1. MF for Implicit Feedback - ALS : Alternating Least Square
        2. BPR : Baysian Personalized Ranking
      4. Embedding
        1. Word2Vec
          1. CBOW
          2. SG : Skip-Gram
          3. SGNS : Skip-Gram Negative Sampling
        2. Item2Vec
      5. ANN : Approximate Nearest Neighbor
        1. ANNOY : spotify에서 개발한 tree-based ANN
        2. HNSW : Hierarchical Navigable Small World Graphs
        3. IVF : Inverted File Index
        4. PQ : Product Quantization
      6. Context-Aware Recommendation
        1. CTR : Click-Through Rate Prediction
        2. FM : Factorization Machine
        3. FFM : Field-aware Factorization Machine
        4. GBM : Gradient Boosting Machine
          1. XGBoost
          2. LightGBM
          3. CatBoost
    3. Deep Learning based Recommendation
      1. Recommender with MLP
        1. NCF : Neural Collaborative Filtering
      2. Recommender with AutoEncoder
        1. AutoRec
        2. CDAE
      3. Recommender with GNN
        1. NGCF : Neural Graph Collaborative Filtering
        2. LightGCN
      4. Recommender with RNN
        1. GRU4Rec
      5. CTR Prediction with DL
        1. Wide & Deep
        2. DeepFM
        3. DIN : Deep interest Network
        4. BST : Behavior Sequence Transformer
      6. MAB : Multi-Armed Bandit
        1. Greedy Algorithm
        2. Epsilon-Greedy Algorithm
        3. UCB : Upper Confidence Bound
        4. Thompson Sampling
        5. LinUCB